Roof Inspections & Storm Damage
Are You Prepared?
You can help prevent your home from sustaining storm related water damage by being prepared ahead of time. A roof inspection is essential to making sure the roof is in good condition. Dangerous dust storms and high winds can wreak havoc on your roof, especially if it is near or at the end of its service life. LR Roofing Solutions can thoroughly inspect your roof and repair/replace any missing or damaged roofing material, in addition to ensuring that flashings are secure and sealed.
Can your roof withstand every storm? If you are not sure, or you have an aging roof that has been well-weathered, contact an LR Roofing Solutions inspector.
Monsoon Storms
With the hot weather here to stay, rest assured the monsoon season is right around the corner. Are you prepared for the potential water damage your home or business may be subjected to? Here in Arizona, the monsoon season officially begins June 15th and ends on September 30th. Property damage during this time of year rises significantly due to severe storms that can develop at the drop of a hat. From torrential down pours to high winds, Phoenix homes and businesses take quite a beating during the monsoon. Your property can quickly become a victim of substantial water damage during one of these seasonal storms, especially if the roof is damaged and/or heavy rains cause flooding.